Your university experience isn't just about studying and being a member of a college. There are a whole range of activities and support services that you may wish to explore.
Click the links on this page to find out more and help you to plan all of the different aspects of your Open Day!
If you attended our live webinar about planning your Open Day, we really hope you enjoyed it!
If you weren't able to make it, then don't worry - you can watch the recording to catch up on everything by clicking on the image or on the button below.
Click here to find out about shuttle buses and walking times to help you make your way around by.
Fancy a bite to eat? We have cafés and even a food court available during the Open Days. Check out the opening times here.
Just a reminder you do not need to pre-book any of our sessions during the Open Day.
Interested in theatre, music, sports or volunteering? Keen to find out about our professional support, including information on studying abroad or doing a placement year? Are you keen to get involved in some of our student enrichment areas such as volunteering, music or theatre? Or do you want to know more about our library and studying facilities?
Click here to read all about these different areas within our university!