9.00 am until 4.00 pm
Our colleges are open between 9.00 am - 4.00 pm for you to drop in and find out more about what they have to offer. View the Colleges Map on the Locations and Maps webpage to help you to navigate your way around.
All of our colleges are unique, feel free to explore as many as you can during this time but we would recommend choosing around 5 to visit on the day, as you won't be able to fit in all 16! Take some time beforehand to research the features of each college and which ones you might like to prioritise.
Please note the College of St Hild and St Bede is closed during the Open Days due to refurbishment. To speak to representatives from the college, please visit the Teaching and Learning Centre (DH1 3LS).
All students at Durham University are members of one of our colleges. Colleges are residential communities that offer student-led opportunities and events in drama, music, sport and volunteering, as well as a wide range of other activities and facilities. Colleges also offer professional support for student wellbeing and self-development.
Collingwood is one of our
Hill Colleges. It is a fully catered, non-gowned college located on South Road (DH1 3TQ).
Grey is one of our Hill Colleges. It is a fully catered, gowned college located on South Road (DH1 3LG).
Hatfield is one of our Bailey Colleges. It is a fully catered, gowned college located on North Bailey, (DH1 3RQ).
John Snow is one of our Hill Colleges. It is a self-catered, gowned college located on Mount Oswald, The Approach (DH1 3FR).
Josephine Butler is one of our Hill Colleges. It is a self-catered, gowned college located on South Road (DH1 3DF).
South is one of our Hill Colleges. It is a self-catered, gowned college located on The Drive, Mount Oswald (DH1 3LD).
St Aidan's is one of our Hill Colleges. It is a fully catered, non-gowned college located on Windmill Hill (DH1 3LJ).
St Chad's is one of our Bailey Colleges. It is a fully catered, gowned college located on 18 North Bailey (DH1 3RH).
St Cuthbert's College is one of our gowned Bailey Colleges with a fully catered site (DH1 3EE) & self-catered site (DH1 3JP) with part catered options.
Unfortunately St Hild & St Bede will be closed during the Open Days. Speak to staff and students in the Teaching and Learning Centre (DH1 3LS).
St John's is one of our Bailey Colleges. It is a fully catered, gowned college located on 3 South Bailey, (DH1 3RJ).
St Mary's is one of our Hill Colleges. It is a fully catered, gowned college located on Elvet Hill Rd, (DH1 3LR).
Stephenson is one of our Hill Colleges. It is a self-catered, non-gowned college located on Howlands Farm, South Road (DH1 3DE).
Trevelyan is one of our Hill Colleges. It is a fully catered, gowned college located on Elvet Hill Road, (DH1 3LN).
University College is one of our Bailey Colleges. It is gowned and has fully-catered & self-catered options. Located on Palace Green (DH1 3RW).
Van Mildert is one of our Hill Colleges. It is a fully catered, non-gowned college located on Mill Hill Lane (DH1 3LH).
Use our Guide to Undergraduate Colleges to find out more about each individual college and what is its distinguishing factors. Each of our colleges are unique and slightly different, but all as equally amazing!
Use the information within the guide to help you decide which colleges you would like to visit during the Open Day. You can look at which colleges fit your top priorities, such as whether you would prefer to be fully catered or self-catered, whether you would prefer to be in a large college or smaller college, or whether you would prefer to be in a gowned or non-gowned college.