Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the session?

You will receive a Teams link for each session you have booked at 07:00 on the day that the session is occurring - keep an eye out as you will get separate emails for each session! Please email with any queries regarding the Online Open Days.

I missed a session, what do I do?

We will be recording our sessions and sending out these to all booked attendees as our first priority - so if you realise you can't make it to a session then don't worry, you don't need to cancel! Just keep an eye on your emails for the recordings coming through after the event.

How can I check what time a session is in my local time?

No problem, you can use a Time Zone Converter.

I missed a session off my booking, what should I do?

In your confirmation email there will be a link to edit your booking. Use this link to add any additional sessions and re-book your place to confirm this. You will then receive an updated confirmation email with all new sessions added.

I still have questions following the Online Open Days - how do I get answers?

We have tried to provide a range of sessions to cover as many relevant topics as we can. If you have a question about something that wasn't covered in our scheduled sessions, then please don't hesitate to get in touch with us via our Enquiries Team -